JWebUnit changes
Release History
Version | Date | Description |
3.3 | October 08, 2015 | HtmlUnit 2.18, Java 7 |
3.2 | March 17, 2014 | HtmlUnit 2.14 |
3.1 | November 22, 2012 | Cleanup for Webdriver integration. HtmlUnit 2.11. Java 1.6+ |
3.0 | August 18, 2011 | Updated all internals to JUnit 4. HtmlUnit 2.9. |
2.5 | October 24, 2010 | Small fixes and dependency updates |
2.4 | July 4, 2010 | Licensing change |
2.3 | March 3, 2010 | Updated to JUnit 4.7 and latest HtmlUnit and Selenium |
2.2 | May 15, 2009 | |
2.1 | December 12, 2008 | |
2.0 | October 27, 2008 | First release that requires Java 1.4+ |
1.5 | april 22, 2008 | The latest major release before Java 1.5 migration |
1.4.1 | may 5, 2007 | |
1.4 | march 17, 2007 | |
1.4-RC4 | march 04, 2007 | |
1.4-RC3 | january 11, 2007 | |
1.4-RC2 | december 5, 2006 | |
1.4-RC1 | november 20, 2006 | |
1.3 | july 28, 2006 | |
1.3-RC2 | july 07, 2006 | |
1.3-RC1 | june 27, 2006 | After all these great changes, we need a RC. |
1.2 | june 13, 2004 | The long awaited release |
1.1 | ||
1.0 | ||
RC2 | ||
RC1 |
Release 3.3 - October 08, 2015
Type | Changes | By |
Exception from setWorkingForm should indicate the requested form details. Fixes 135. Thanks to Joseph Walton. | henryju |
Setting User-Agent not work when multiple WebTesters with different User-Agent. Fixes 136. Thanks to Randy Chang. | henryju |
WebTester.submit() does not find submit button. Fixes 129,134. Thanks to Ivo Maixner, Joerg Troester. | henryju |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.18. | henryju |
Requires Java 7+. | henryju |
Release 3.2 - March 17, 2014
Type | Changes | By |
Updated to JUnit 4.11. | henryju |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.14. | henryju |
Assert form is present before really calling setWorkingForm(String nameOrId, int index). Fixes 3590252. Thanks to Kenny MacLeod. | henryju |
Set useInsecureSSL to true by default for HtmlUnit plugin. Fixes 3415400. Thanks to Alex. | henryju |
Release 3.1 - November 22, 2012
Type | Changes | By |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.11. As a result JWebUnit now also require Java 1.6+. | henryju |
Updated dependencies to not provide logback transitively. Added a section in documentation to explain how to use logback. Fixes 3476459. Thanks to Jevon Wright. | henryju |
getPageText() (and all related assertXX methods) now only deals with what is inside <body> element. Previously it was also returning page title for example. | henryju |
gotoRootWindow() now goes to the root "frame" in a multi-frame window. Previously it was only by chance. | henryju |
Deprecated gotoWindow(windowID) method as implementation is not stable and window ID is not something well-defined. | henryju |
HtmlUnitTestingEngineImpl.gotoPage no longer returns the failing status. Broken since 2.5 after applying patch from issue 1864365. Fixes 3395872. Thanks to Tim Pizey. | henryju |
Release 3.0 - August 18, 2011
Type | Changes | By |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.9. | henryju |
Fixed handling of several cookies/headers with same name. getAllHeaders() was wrongly returning only the latest header header with the same name so this method was deprecated and a new one was added with a different return type. See getResponseHeaders(). AssertCookiePresent/Match was also updated to take the last set cookie of the given name instead of the first one. Fixes 3190055. Thanks to Achim Westermann. | henryju |
Added indexed alternatives of methods clickLinkWithImage, assertLinkPresentWithImage and assertLinkNotPresentWithImage. Fixes 3166502. Thanks to Harri. | henryju |
assertTitleNotSame works incorrectly. Deprecated and replaced by a working assertTitleNotEquals. Fixes 3116839. Thanks to Tony Qian. | henryju |
Updated to JUnit 4. See migration section of the documentation. Fixes 2837745. | henryju |
Release 2.5 - October 24, 2010
Type | Changes | By |
Fixed handling of absolute image path (when src attribute start with a /). Fixes 2970512. Thanks to Todd Owen. | henryju |
Updated to slf4j 1.6.1. | henryju |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.8. | henryju |
Updated to JUnit 4.8.2. | henryju |
Added the ability to change RefreshHandler in HtmlUnitTestingEngine. Fixes 1864365. Thanks to Jason McSwain. | henryju |
Release 2.3 - March 3, 2010
Type | Changes | By |
Updated to Selenium RC 1.0.1. | henryju |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.7. | henryju |
Updated to JUnit 4.7. | henryju |
Release 2.2 - May 15, 2009
Type | Changes | By |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.5. | henryju |
Enable partial matches of image src and alt attributes. Added assertImagePresentPartial(String partialImageSrc, String partialImageAlt) method. Fixes 2106019. Thanks to Kent R. Spillner. | henryju |
Exposed option to toggle exceptions on Javascript errors. Fixes 2647451. Thanks to Kent R. Spillner. | henryju |
Used buffered output stream to improve WebTester.saveAs method performances. Fixes 2568604. Thanks to Umkhulubaas. | henryju |
WebClient.closeAllWindows() called to prevent memory leak. Fixes 2525065. Thanks to Sivan Mozes. | henryju |
Release 2.1 - December 12, 2008
Type | Changes | By |
Added new IElement element interface, and methods to directly access elements by XPath. | jevonwright |
Added assertHeader*() and assertResponseCode*() methods. Fixes 1744628. | jevonwright |
Added WebTestCase(WebTester) constructor. Fixes 1728676. | jevonwright |
Added assertLabeledFieldEquals(id, text), assertLabel*(), and setLabeledFormElementField(id, value) methods. Fixes 1519807. | jevonwright |
BC CHANGE: setFormElement(), assertFormElementEquals() methods will no longer assert that a form already exists in the page (as allowed by the HTML standard). | jevonwright |
navigator.userAgent is no longer null by default. Test cases now use the Firefox 3.0 user agent as the default, rather than MSIE 4.0. Fixes 1724695. | jevonwright |
Fixed proxy authentication bug in HtmlUnit implementation. Fixes 2306967. Thanks to r_monson. | jevonwright |
Added assertMatch(regexp, text) and assertNotMatch(regexp, text) methods. Fixes 1637716. | jevonwright |
Added assertCommentPresent(text) and assertCommentNotPresent(text) methods. Fixes 1277374. | jevonwright |
Added setTimeout() method. Fixes 1674646. | jevonwright |
Cleaned up the quickstart documentation. Fixes 2404789. | jevonwright |
Release 2.0 - October 27, 2008
Type | Changes | By |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.3. | henryju |
selectOptionByValue failed with Selenium Plugin. selectOption always failed, cannot find element. Other improvements to Selenium plugin. Fixes 2007985,2009776. Thanks to Josh Lane. | joshlane |
Updated to HtmlUnit 2.1 and Java 1.5. Fixes 1950248. Thanks to Agnes Ro. | henryju |
Release 1.5 - april 22, 2008
Type | Changes | By |
setProxyAuthorization caused IllegalArgumentException with null username/password and not null host/port. Fixes 1860745. Thanks to Ward Bergmans. | henryju |
Added setHiddenField method to WebTestCase. Fixes 1793818. Thanks to Achim Huegen. | henryju |
assertCheckbox[Not]Present now works if HTML type attribute value is not lowercase (e.g.: type="CHECKBOX"). Fixes 1747033. Thanks to Carlo Possati. | henryju |
Update to HtmlUnit 1.14. | henryju |
Support multiple selects with same name. Fixes 1874212. Thanks to Mike C. | henryju |
assertButtonPresentWithText and clickButtonWithText now work for input button (submit, reset, button) matching the value attribute. Fixes 1845893. Thanks to Mike. | henryju |
Add basic Selenium support. | henryju |
Rename IJWebUnitDialog in ITestingEngine. | henryju |
Release 1.4.1 - may 5, 2007
Type | Changes | By |
getPageSource() now returns source of the current frame or window. Fixes 1706395. Thanks to meilon. | henryju |
setTextField now doesn't change the current working form if already set. clickRadioOption now doesn't change the current working form if already set. assertFormElementPresent now only searches the current working form if already set. Fixes 1708229,1710809,1712633. Thanks to Jon,Joe Fisher. | henryju |
Release 1.4 - march 17, 2007
Type | Changes | By |
Update to HtmlUnit 1.11. | henryju |
Add a new method: getElementTextByXPath. Fixes 1677214. Thanks to Dragan Pazin. | henryju |
Release 1.4-RC4 - march 04, 2007
Type | Changes | By |
Add new ResourceBundle related methods allowing formatting of resources. Fixes 993058. Thanks to Chris Eldredge. | henryju |
Table.getRows is now public. Fixes 1633967. Thanks to Dirk Jerusalem. | henryju |
gotoFrame should throw an Exception when no frame is found. Fixes 1638720. | henryju |
Make WebTestCase abstract. Fixes 735092. | henryju |
Fix assertRadioButton[Not]Selected. | henryju |
beginAt and gotoPage throw a TestingEngineResponseException on bad Http status code. | henryju |
Make WebTestCase.tearDown() protected. Make WebTestCase.tester protected. Add WebTestCase.getTester() method. | henryju |
Release 1.4-RC3 - january 11, 2007
Type | Changes | By |
Fix exception when trying to access a page with a loop redirection. Fixes 1628076. | henryju |
Add methods to test images in a web page: assertImagePresent(String imageSrc, String imageAlt), assertImageValid(String imageSrc, String imageAlt), assertImageValidAndStore(String imageSrc, String imageAlt, File out) Fixes 1531873. Thanks to Gregory Joseph. | henryju |
Add methods in TestContext to specify custom request headers. Fixes 1563168. Thanks to Jeff Grimshaw. | henryju |
Release 1.4-RC2 - december 5, 2006
Type | Changes | By |
Reset() function now check for the presence of a reset button. | henryju |
Add the possibility to manipulate frame (and iframe) by ID in addition to their name. | henryju |
Add saveAs(File f) and assertDownloadedFileEquals(File expected) methods to check downloaded response as a binary File. | henryju |
Add getServeurResponse() method to debug HTTP response. | henryju |
Release 1.4-RC1 - november 20, 2006
Type | Changes | By |
submit([...]) methods now detect image input elements. | henryju |
Add setWorkingForm(int index) method to select the current form by its index. | henryju |
Update to HtmlUnit 1.10. | henryju |
Fix cookie support. You can now properly manually add cookie to the conversation by using TestContext.addCookie() before calling beginAt(). | henryju |
Add setExpectedJavascript[Alert/Confirm/Prompt] methods to check presence of Javascript message boxes. | henryju |
Add support for Basic and Digest Authentication using Context.setAuthorization(). Context.setNTMLAuthorization() and Context.setProxyAuthorization may also work (not tested). | henryju |
beginAt and gotoPage now accept absolute URL beginning with "http://", "https://" or "www." Fixes 1554148. Thanks to Joe Athman. | henryju |
Add new methods: assertCheckBox[Not]Selected(String name, String value) to deal with multiple checkboxes with the same name. Fixes 1575956. Thanks to Lasse Koskela. | henryju |
assertButtonPresentWithText(String) was checking on "value" attribut value instead of text between button tag. Fixes 1567947. Thanks to Jack. | henryju |
selectOption() reset previous setWorkingForm() action. Problematic with 2 selects with same name in 2 different forms. Fixes 1565634. Thanks to Veenay Dodia. | henryju |
Release 1.3 - july 28, 2006
Type | Changes | By |
assertFormParameterValue is now deprecated. Please use more specific method, like assertTextFieldEquals, assertSelectedValueEqual, ... Thanks to Fred Burlet. | henryju |
Add assertHiddenFieldPresent method to check presence of an hidden field with given value. Thanks to Fred Burlet. | henryju |
Add assertTextFieldEquals method to check content of a text field (text input, password input, textarea). Thanks to Fred Burlet. | henryju |
setTextField is now working with TextArea. Thanks to Fred Burlet. | henryju |
Current form was saved but not reseted when page content change. Thanks to Mark Chaimungkalanont. | henryju |
Release 1.3-RC2 - july 07, 2006
Type | Changes | By |
Show the getTable() method in WebTestCase to allow custom assertions. Thanks to Tetyana Gimgina. | henryju |
Introduce the setFormElement() back as a deprecated method that wraps setTextField(). Fixes 1517851. Thanks to Tetyana Gimgina. | henryju |
Update to HtmlUnit 1.9. | henryju |
Allow selection of forms with same name (with index). Add setWorkingForm(String nameOrId, int index) to the API. Fixes 1515297. Thanks to Jeffrey W. Badorek. | henryju |
Release 1.3-RC1 - june 27, 2006
Type | Changes | By |
Added ability to navigate to windows / assert presence by window id. Thanks to Buhi Mume. | henryju |
Remove HttpUnit testing engine. | henryju |
Refactoring of Table assertions to handle perfectly colspan and rowspan. | henryju |
Added XPath methods to core API. | henryju |
Split jWebUnit in modules: one for the core (jWebUnit API), one for the tests (that all plugins should pass), and one for each plugin (currently HtmlUnit). This way, for example, when you want to use one plugin, you don't have to include all others dependencies. | henryju |
Updated to Jetty 6 for running tests. Need less dependencies and run faster. | henryju |
Added HtmlUnitDialog, that provide better Javascript support. | henryju |
Added Maven 2 support. There are many reports available on the website. | henryju |
Added new method to clickButtonWithText. I believe it is useful addition to existing functionality as we already have assertButtonPresentWithText(). Fixes 1064807. | Nicholas Neuberger |
Integrated patch for multiple submit buttons with different values. API change - assertSubmitButtonValue(button, value) now assertSubmitButtonPresent(button, value). Fixes 800660. Thanks to Dragos Manolescu. | Jim Weaver |
Assert button (not) present with text added. Fixes 1005396. Thanks to John Evans. | Martijn Dashorst |
Added ability to navigate to windows / assert presence by window title. Fixes 999600. | Jim Weaver |
Added assert select option present / not present. Fixes 979856. Thanks to Kenny MacLeod. | Jim Weaver |
onchange event bug fixed / test added. Fixes 981534. | Jim Weaver |
Memory leak in WebTestCase. Note: tester is no longer allocated at constructor time, but just before 'setUp' is called. Fixes 972992. Thanks to Budi Boentaran. | Martijn Dashorst |
better support subclassing of WebTestCase Fixes 735087. Thanks to Oliver Haid. | Vivek Venugopalan |
Release 1.2 - june 13, 2004
Type | Changes | By |
assertTextNotInElement method addition | Jim Weaver |
form assertion failure messages more accurate | Jim Weaver |
assertFormNotPresent method addition | Wilkes Joiner |
goto a page directly by url Fixes 724337. Thanks to Alex Chaffee. | |
support for clicking links by text when there are multiple links with same text on page Thanks to justin sampson. | |
support for multiple checkboxes with different values Fixes 627735. | Wilkes Joiner |
Moved the build system from Ant to Maven. | Martijn Dashorst |
Upgraded all dependencies (httpunit, rhino, nekohtml, xerces, junit) to their newest released version. | Martijn Dashorst |
Added support for cookies. Fixes 715841. Thanks to Vivek Venugopalan. | Jim Weaver |
Wrong text in Assert Fixes 856218. Thanks to Roberto Cosenza. | Vivek Venugopalan |
quickstart.html setBaseUrl is mistyped Fixes 908440. Thanks to Vasile Alaiba. | Vivek Venugopalan |
assertFormElementPresent fails when a form is in an IFRAME Fixes 910242. Thanks to Hien Nguyen. | Vivek Venugopalan |
assertLinkPresentWithImage("foo") fails if foo isn't first Fixes 908372. | Vivek Venugopalan |
broken link in jwebunit-1.1.1 set of files Fixes 918278. Thanks to Jim Cloughley. | Vivek Venugopalan |
prevent js files from being returned as response content | Jim Weaver |
Fork enabled for ant-build compile. Fixes 727614. Thanks to Brad Clarke. | Jim Weaver |
Form submit overload for forms with multiple submit buttons. Fixes 745868. Thanks to Charles Blaxland. | Jim Weaver |